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segunda-feira, abril 14, 2008

Recebi hoje o Alerta do Google, com uma reportagem intitulada

Can Brazil’s Lula Survive Corruption Charges and a Struggling Economy?

[ http://www.wharton.universia.net/].

Só que o "Alerta" antigo, de 2006...para ver que lentidão é algo presente também em Blog estrangeiro.
Em todo caso, o que digo, creio, se mantem, pois o presidente ainda é e sempre será um sobrevivente à custa de todos os que o cercam.

Roberto Romano, professor of ethics and political philosophy at Unicamp, the state university of Campinas [the Brazilian state], considers Lula a unique figure. “Lula has shown that he has very rare survival skills. It’s not often that you see a president with his ability to recover from a hard blow. The technique he uses is this: He escapes, and one of his aides falls.”

Even so, Romano predicts that in a new government, Lula will have a tough time forming a coalition that supports him in the Congress. “To form the coalition that currently supports him, Lula and his party needed to do what we are seeing now -- transfer funds to the other parties [in the coalition]. ‘If you give, you receive.’ Clearly, any alliance build on that sort of foundation is extremely fragile.”

Publish Date: 1/16/06

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